The Strategic Leadership Course
In this 3-day course, we will lay out the actions and commitments of ACCESS Leadership in six (6) half-day modules, each of which focuses on one of the actions defined in the ACCESS model and the three commitments associated with that ACCESS action. Through presentations, learning exercises, reflection, discussion, case studies, skill-practice, and action learning projects, participants will build understanding and capabilities needed to be leaders their utilities. Participants will discover a dual focus throughout this course. The first focus is on the individual’s skills, capabilities, and understanding of themselves as leaders. The second is on the organization—its need for and support of leaders. At the end of the course, participants will have an opportunity to practice their newly honed skills through a post-course project that will address an issue, problem, or opportunity in their own organizations.

- Learn how to set well-constructed goals and guide others in the fulfillment of those goals
- Increase skill in setting and tracking performance metrics for the individual, group, and organization
- Understand different approaches to decision making and gain skill in using each effectively.

- Increase understanding of the role of values and how your own values impact your engagement with the organization
- Increase understanding of how an ethical stance helps in handling complex organizational and customer issues
- Build skills and a habit of reflection to increase self-awareness and alignment with personal principles and values

- Gain skill in describing and communicating the purpose of the organization and linking that to the needs of customers and the larger community
- Increase understanding and skill in overcoming differences to build common ground
- Learn the keys to effective communication as well as a wide variety of effective communication approaches and techniques as well as the benefits and limitations of each

- Increase skill in assessing and developing the capability of others for job performance and leadership
- Gain competence in appropriately sharing power and authority through delegation and work assignments
- Gain key skills needed to build and manage effective, highly productive teams

- Learn approaches to understand the varied needs of the utility’s constituencies including the local community and how to prioritize among a wide-range of expectations
- Build skill in creating and communicating an organization, group, and even individual vision that provides a long-range, engaging focus
- Learn how to build an environment that simulates Innovation in order to better fulfill the organization’s purpose and serve its customers

- Build understanding of the organization as a system and learn to apply a systems perspective to on-going goals and problems
- Gain key skills in assessing the need for and guiding change at all levels of the organization
- Understand the importance and keys to balancing focus and activities for a short and long-term horizon